Saturday, January 16, 2016

He's definitely my son!

Just a short update for the morning.

It was expected that Conley would need dialysis early in the morning as he would start collecting fluid, leading to an increased blood pressure, heart rate, and difficulty breathing. But, of course, he's my son and he's kicking butt. They made a plan to put all precautions in place, such a minimizing fluid intake, continuous sedation and intubation, but those are slowly being stripped away. He's breathing on his own and they plan to extubate (remove the breathing tube) this morning. They have also stopped sedation because he's a feisty little one and is trying to play too soon, which can be dangerous at some point if he's too active. He is showing the doctors that he is ready to wake up and be alert. As if we are surprised. I am in continuous awe of his strength and passion for life.

The doctors have decided to hold off on dialysis for now since he is not showing signs of needing it, plus surgery would rather us wait as well to make sure there are no underlying complications that could be exasperated by diaylsis. Make sense? Haha. Yes, I feel like I should receive another doctorate in the medical field, or at least a nursing license at this point. To summarize, this is great news because this means he is doing better than expected! But, he will need another blood transfusion, his 5th this go around.

Conley is still resting comfortably, though going wild when he hears mommy's voice. That just means I'll have to keep quiet and rest today! I was able to sneak home to sleep and cuddle with my other boys last night since Conley was knocked out. Last minute decision and am so glad I did it. I am rested and ready for action. Daddy and Choice went off to gymnastics this morning as usual, and I can't wait until Conley is up and about so we can cruise to the waiting area and be all together.

Thank you to everyone for your sweet comments and texts. They mean more than you know. We are so lucky that Conley has such an amazing support system. 

Have a great weekend. The "short" update turned long :)


  1. So happy to hear that! Glad his strength gives you a break....

  2. Great news!! Prayers will still be coming your way! �� Go Conley!

  3. What an amazing boy, just like his mama! I'm also happy to hear that you had the opportunity to run home to decompress, take a break and get in some snuggles. You are amazing! Sending lots of love and prayers your way! Xo

  4. Amazing little guy! I am happy to hear he's fighting as expected (he is your son). God Bless with continued strength and healing.

  5. Amazing little guy! I am happy to hear he's fighting as expected (he is your son). God Bless with continued strength and healing.
