Thursday, January 21, 2016


The oncologist came to speak with us today about the plan of action for chemotherapy. We will likely wait about two weeks to start since Conley's surgeon wants to wait until his tummy heals completely. Conley's liver cancer, hepatoblastoma, was diagnosed at Stage 2, primarily due to the ruptured mass. The protocol for Stage 2 liver cancer is 2 "cycles" of chemotherapy (6 weeks), but due to the rupture, it is now up to 4 "cycles," which would be 12 weeks. Each cycle is 3 weeks long. He will receive three different medications through the course of treatment, each at different times, but at least one medication a week. Apparently, there is a very strict protocol that is followed based on a case by case basis and a variety of measures. At the beginning of each cycle, Conley will be hospitalized overnight to watch his reaction and blood count to one of the medications. His treatment will change week to week based on lab results and how his body is responding so he is not underdosed or overdosed.

As most of you know, there are several side effects to cancer, and these are expected from Conley's medications as well. The most serious and relevent are nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and bone marrow supression leading to increased susceptibility to infection. There are other side effects, but these are most prominent. Luckily, the oncologist is optimistic about his prognosis and minimal exposure to long term/permanent side effects given that this is a relatively short period of time for chemotherapy in comparison to other forms/stages. While chemotherapy itself may not be as harsh, combining chemotherapy with hemodialysis brings many challenges, so Conley will be watched closely through blood work in addition to monitoring for fever and infection.

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